

“It’s developers’ (mis)understanding, not domain experts’ knowledge, that gets released in production.”
--Alberto Brandolini
"A model is a simplified representation of a thing or phenomenon that intentionally emphasizes certain aspects while ignoring others. Abstraction with a specific use in mind."
--Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
There is no sense in talking about the solution before we agree on the problem, and no sense talking about the implementation steps before we agree on the solution.
--Efrat Goldratt-Ashlag (Goldratt-Ashlag, E. (2010). “The Layers of Resistance—The Buy-In Process According to TOC.”)

Interesting links

Git for overleaf?

Did you know that you can clone your overleaf document to your local PC?
I did not. It enables you to quickly backup and work offline. Tutorial
You can then also backup that repository to Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket. Which enables offline colloboration

Apps and Tools for Digital Minimalism


Unhook is a Chrome-AddOn for Youtube. It helps you turnoff everything in youtube, that might distract you. From the sidebar all the way to almost everything, except for the video and title.


A simple and free overlay for your Android phone.

My Configuration

  • Add at most 5 Apps to the QuickLaunch menu.
  • Google Search for Swipe Down
  • App Search on Swip Up