Craft of Research
- Why is this not part of a secondary school curriculum?
Summary of some interesting Reads
- How to Read a Paper
- Describes the Three-Pass Approach:
- Read Title, Abstract, Introduction, Section (and subsection) names, conlusion and go over the references.
- 5 C’s:s Category, Context, Correctness, Contributions and Clarity
- Decide if the paper fits your research question NOW!
2. Read more carfully. But neglect what is not important for you for now (e.g. Proofs)
- If the paper is not clear or not useful for your purpose. Its references might! Make some notes
- If papers fail the 2nd read: Keep them for later
3. “Virtually Reimplement”: Go over the whole paper and try to get to the same conclusion with the assumptions the authors made
- Found strong points? Good!
- Found errors or weak points? Good!
- Missing references?
- Wrong or outdated assumptions?
- Also note how you can proof that these are weak points.
- Find Survey Paper on your topic.
- If none exists -> Make your own:
- Find strongest researchers in that field
- Find important conferences
- Summarize their assumptions
- From Craft of Research: Keep a note of everythign you read and also if and how it fits for your research question.